Saturday, May 9, 2009

Emily Taylor and Avery working hard.....

Earlier today Emily had her friends Avery and Taylor over to make presents for mothers day, They did a WONDERFUL job and really had fun!! they even got some dancing into it too as you can see by these short videos....

Making presents for mom......

Thursday, April 16, 2009


the other day as i was folding the laundry our cat decided to see what this was all about... and found a new warm place to lay down...too funny!!!

Tim's B-Day Party!!!!!

The other week I had SEVEN 13 year-olds over for a sleep-over what was I thinking??? Seriously though they were great!! Hope they had fun!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Timmys turns 13 today!!!!

Dear Timmy,

First I would like to say how very much I love you!! You are my first baby my beautiful baby boy who is and always will be the light in my eyes and the sun in my world. We have been through so many firsts you and I...I would NEVER trade them for anything!! I love you so much and am so proud of the way you are growing up.... I cherish the alone times we have had together just you and me.. the 'date' nights we had. I love watching you grow and learn every day and become the person you will be.. how fascinating to see you blossom before my eyes!!! The wonder of it all is amazing!!

Timmy you are soooooo special to me words could never describe the love I have for you and always will!!

Love forever Mom

Timmy turns 13! today!!!

Where DOES the time go?? It seems like yesterday when I brough this 10 pound butterball turkey home (my name for him at the time) How did this perfect little person come to be MINE??
Thre are so many feelings going through my mind right now.. my son, my firstborn, my little man is growing up.. how bittersweet in a way.. he's lost his baby voice.. his voice is changing into what will be his adult voice now.. he's growing like a weed, no more sitting on my lap ( not cool he says) no more holding my hand as we walk through the parking lot..I have to start the painful road of letting go..... He's already experienced the first time of going to the mall with a group of friends with no mommy around.. that was scary!! He now BABYSITS his little sister so dad and I can have an evening out...Timmy is turning into a young adult right before my eyes and I just want time to stand still!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

SPIRIT WEEK...Huron Academy style......

Last week Emily's school had spirit week, remember how fun it was to dress up in zany weird ways? Check out some of the creations we came up with.

1. Career day! ( come as the career you want to be when you grow up!!)

2. Crazy hair and miss-matched clothes day!!

3. 80's day!!!( this one was ESPECIALLY cool for me because I 'am an 80's child..note the different looks all in leg-warmers,mini-skirt,BIG HAIR!!( LOTS of HAIRSPRAY!!),glove,(gotta love the Michael Jackson look) and the famous off the shoulder with the tank-top strap showing!)